
It is 05/06 once again, also known as sixo de mayo, which means that this comic has reached its one year anniversary. I wish I could have said that I’ve been uploading consistently for a year, but clearly that isn’t true. I went on break back in January and then a second time in March, because it turns out that it's hard to finish college and make a silly webcomic at the same time. Who would’ve thought.

Anyways, I’m really happy that I was able to make this comic, and that I can keep making it for a long time. I love telling this story, and it only gets better as I make more, so I hope that anyone who is reading this now will be reading a very similar message next year.

Also, we are off of hiatus. New page every weekday at noon.

Chapter 5 Wrap Up Post

chapter 5 is over now, which is weird because it was one of the chapters ive been waiting for since the beginning of the comic. i alluded to Sultan during the End of Act 1, so it felt good to finally introduce him, even if im not super happy with not nailing down the design, but im just going to chock that up to artstyle flexibility and hope that nobody cares too much. i also got to reveal the name of Deacon's spooky eye power, which is Deathwish, in case that wasnt obvious from the last page of this chapter. in regards to the fantasy part of this scifi fantasy story, this is where the real game begins. lets get weird.

ok long winded monologue over, im going to go prepare for chapter 6 now, see you march 8th.

We're so back.

After two weeks of mentally decomposing, I’m back. What have I been up to? Basically nothing. I went back to school, there was a blizzard, then there was a fire at the same time which was confusing. Anyways I’m back to working on this comic, and unfortunately I'm coming back to a fight scene, which I’m terrible at doing. I’m still very busy with school, but I’m going to try and keep up a daily upload schedule, and when I inevitably miss a day we are just all going to collectively pretend that I didn’t. Cool? Cool.

Break Announcement

the comic is on break for a little while. i dont know when it will come back but im realizing that if i want the next part of it to be good, then i need to not be forcing myself to crap out pages. sorry about that.

ok thats the short version but to elaborate a bit more, ive been struggling with my mental health (BORING BORING) and im about to go back to school for the spring semester (WHO CARES) so its a good storm of reasons(DUMB ANALOGY) to admit i need a break. hopefully once i get into a rhythm at school i can make a bunch of stuff, but also maybe just have more time to rest for real, as opposed to doing nothing while being stressed out of my mind. maybe ill also make some an actual news post section for the website. question from the audience: 'why make a website page for your comic instead of just making more comic?' well you see, the explanation is perfectly simple and scientific. it's because shut up. shut up is why.

also you its way easier to code stuff while lying down than drawing.

Oh its 10/16

oh. its 10/16. so short summary before i talk about nothing for a bit too long: a year ago i came up with the idea to actually go through with taking one of my silly ideas and turning it into something that other people could read, so i started drafting the concept of providence, a webcomic i make and thats updating everyday. more talking under the whatever.

so ive always made little stories that i would run through in my head for like two or three months when i had mental downtime, and then move on to some other goofy idea. this is either a totally normal thing or im a freak, honestly i have no frame of reference for how other people act. anyways i was home from college last year and i had this idea for an rpg fantasy story, initially an idea for playing modded minecraft with some friends (god i wish that was a joke), but i started writing shit down in a google doc. i wrote out a handful generic slots for various fantasy classes: witch, dryad, ranger, knight, vampire(not a class but i dont give a fuck), blacksmith, etc. and then i named some of them. i finished naming and writing out plot nonsense in november and changed the name of the comic from "Drive-By" to "Liberty" to "Providence.”

honestly i think that was the easy part because its totally non-commital. unfortunately after that i had to actually start making the pages. the original plan was to finish act one before may, which was an optimistic goal to say the least, but also maybe if i didnt have to do anything else it would have been totally possible. or if i was just faster in general. anyways i started drawing everything at the end of december and then didnt stop for 6 months. actually thats a lie, i started drawing pages and havent stopped since then, but what i meant is that i started uploading the comic in may. i had a backlog of about 75 pages and the art change just in that time was nuts. comparing act 2 art to act 1 is more nuts but im not about to redraw the 170 pages of a1 just so that its APPEALING and PALLETEABLE. i learned way more about web design from doing this comic than from my actual web design class. like insanely more. you have no idea how little that class helped me with anything aside from making friends through mutual hatred of being poorly taught.

sixo de mayo (may 6th) came and i started doing this thing for real, and its been so surreal having people actually talk to me about these guys that have been in my head for months. my sister recently asked if deacon was my self-insert, which is sort of true but only in the sense that we both have social issues and like to be dumb on sort-of-purpose, and then she told me that her favorite character was reagan. theres not really any deep meaning behind her telling me or that reagan is my favorite too, but its just so surreal to me that people can have a favorite, or any opinion, on these characters i obsess over.

alright i think im done for now, i just wanted to talk about the comic on its sort of birthday, and also the day that the gang got pulled into the story. i mentioned that vaguely in the story once already, but im cool with being more direct about it. ill probably go on another rant again about this sometime, maybe on sixo de mayo, but probably sooner because im obsessive and like to type. happy birthday comic, heres to a million more. or however many years it takes to make a 5 act story at a rate of like 200 pages in 10 months. hopefully that number will go up.